bihar government job vacancy 2025, jobs at government of bihar (सरकारी विभाग नौकरी),Upcoming bihar govt jobs for female

Bihar candidates can now access all the latest updates about government jobs in Bihar on a single platform. This article provides detailed information on vacancies across various departments like BPSC, SHSB, Bihar Postal Circle, BPSSC, BCECEB, CSBC, BSPCB, RPCAU, BTSC, BSMCFL, BSUSC, BUIDCO, and Anganwadi Online Bihar. You can also find detailed updates on block-level vacancies in Bihar and other Bihar government job notifications.

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Candidates looking for reliable information on Bihar Government Jobs 2025 can stay connected to this page. We are committed to delivering accurate and timely updates about the latest Bihar job alerts and block-level vacancies for 2025. Subscribe now to stay ahead with Bihar job online vacancy details.

Why Choose Bihar Government Jobs 2025?

Government jobs in Bihar offer attractive pay scales, job security, pensions, and various allowances, making them a preferred career choice. Thousands of vacancies are released every year, creating a secure career environment for aspirants. Whether it’s in banking, railways, police, agriculture, defense, or transportation, opportunities are abundant for students from different educational backgrounds, such as 10th pass, 12th pass, diploma, ITI, and graduates.

For students seeking Bihar 10th pass government jobs or opportunities for 12th pass candidates, this article provides a consolidated list of upcoming vacancies, their eligibility criteria, and application procedures.

bihar government job vacancy 2025

Latest Jobs in Bihar Recruitment 2025.

Bihar Job Vacancy 2025: Key Highlights

1. Teacher Recruitment in Bihar 2025

  • Eligibility: Graduation with B.Ed.
  • Salary Range: ₹32,000 to ₹50,000 per month.
  • Departments: State Education Department, Kendriya Vidyalayas, and Navodaya Vidyalayas.

2. Police Department Vacancies

  • Positions Available: Sub-Inspector, Constable, Driver.
  • Eligibility: 10th/12th pass and physical fitness.
  • Application Start Date: March 2025.

3. Bihar Block-Level Vacancies

  • Positions: Data Entry Operator, Accountant, Clerk.
  • Eligibility: 12th pass with a diploma in computer applications.
  • Salary: ₹15,000 to ₹30,000 per month.

4. Railway Recruitment 2025

  • Posts: Group C and Group D.
  • Qualification Required: 10th/12th pass, ITI certification.
  • Exam Pattern: Computer-Based Test (CBT).

Upcoming Bihar Government Jobs 2025 for Females

The Bihar government is focused on creating more opportunities for women in various sectors. Aspirants looking for vacancy in Bihar 2025 for females can explore jobs in teaching, Anganwadi, nursing, and clerical roles.

  • Teaching Jobs: Eligibility is graduation with a teaching degree.
  • Nursing Vacancies: Open to candidates with GNM or B.Sc Nursing qualifications.
  • Clerical Roles: Requires basic computer knowledge and a 12th pass certificate.

Top Departments Offering Jobs in 2025

  1. BPSC (Bihar Public Service Commission):
    • Conducts exams for administrative roles like Block Development Officer (BDO) and Deputy Collector.
  2. Bihar Police Department:
    • Regularly releases vacancies for constables, sub-inspectors, and home guards.
  3. Health Department:
    • Opportunities for paramedical staff, lab technicians, and ANMs.
  4. Bihar Education Department:
    • Primary and secondary school teacher recruitment.

How to Apply for Bihar Government Jobs Online?

  1. Visit the official job portal of the respective department.
  2. Register with your email ID and phone number.
  3. Complete the online application form by providing accurate details.
  4. Upload necessary documents, such as:
    • Passport-sized photograph.
    • Educational certificates.
    • Caste certificate (if applicable).
    • Domicile certificate.
  5. Submit the application fee via net banking, UPI, or debit/credit card.
  6. Save the application form for future reference.

Eligibility Criteria for Bihar Jobs 2025

QualificationJob Opportunities
10th PassRailway jobs, constable posts, data entry jobs.
12th PassClerk, accountant, teaching assistant roles.
DiplomaITI jobs, health department technician roles.
GraduationAdministrative roles, teaching jobs, police sub-inspector.

Bihar Government Job upcoming Recruitment 2025 बिहार में 165000 पदों पर भर्ती

Bihar Government Job upcoming Recruitment 2025 बिहार राज्य सरकार ने बिहार राज्य के कई विभागों में रिक्त पदों की पूर्ति के लिए Bihar Sarkari Naukri 2025 नोटिफिकेशन जारी किया है बिहार गवर्नमेंट हर साल बिहार प्रदेश के बेरोजगार महिला पुरुष अभ्यर्थियों को Bihar Sarkari Jobs पानी का एक सुनहरा मौका देती है बिहार राज्य में अपनी करियर बनाने के सपना देख रहे अभ्यर्थी बिहार जॉब पोर्टल के माध्यम से सरकारी नौकरी ऑनलाइन फॉर्म अप्लाई कर सकते हैं Bihar Govt Jobs की न्यूनतम अपडेट ऊपर सूची बंदी की जाती है जहां से इच्छुक अभ्यर्थी बिहार सरकारी नौकरी 2025 के लिए सरकारी फॉर्म प्रस्तुत कर सकते है

Bihar Government Jobs

Bihar Government Jobs 2025 बिहार सरकार हर साल कर्मचारियों की भर्ती करके अपनी सेवाओं और विकास को विस्तार करती है बिहार सरकार जब 2025 के माध्यम से बिहार राज्य में लाखों पदों पर आवेदन निकलती रहती है Urgenet Jobs in Bihar के लिए आठवीं पास, 10 Pass, 12th Pass, ITI Pass , इंजीनियरिंग डिप्लोमा ग्रेजुएट पोस्ट पास उम्मीदवार ऊपर ऑफिशल नोटिफिकेशन पढ़कर फॉर्म सबमिट कर सकते हैं Bihar Jobs in Bihar उम्मीदवार और उपयोगकर्ता के लिए सार्वजनिक संसाधन है जहां आप Latest Bihar Government Jobs Notificaton उद्घाटन का पता लग सकता है

Bihar State Government Exams List

Bihar Government Exam 2025 सरकारी संगठन में काम करने वाली किसी भी व्यक्ति को कई उच्च शिक्षा प्रीस्ट वाले उम्मीदवार के लिए Bihar Govt Vacancy का अवसर उपलब्ध है

  • -बिहार पुलिस भर्ती
    -बिहार लोक सेवा आयोग
    -बिहार प्रदेश हाई कोर्ट
    -बिहार तकनीकी सेवा आयोग की भर्ती
    -बिहार राजस्व विभाग
    -बिहार फॉरेस्ट विभाग
    -बिहार शिक्षक विभाग
    -बिहार विद्युत विभाग
    -बिहार पोस्टल सर्किल
    -स्टेट हेल्थ सोसायटी बिहार
    -बिहार राज्य विश्वविद्यालय सेवा आयोग
    -सनी विकास और आवास विभाग बिहार
    -बिहार श्रम विभाग
    -बिहार लोकसभा लोक सेवा स्वस्थ अभियान विभाग
    -बिहार विधान परिषद
    -बिहार विधानसभा
    -अखिल भारतीय आयुर्वेद संस्थान
    -बिहार पंचायत राज विभाग
    -बिहार पशु विज्ञान विश्वविद्यालय
    -बिहार स्वास्थ्य विभाग
    -बिहार पंचायत राज विभाग
    -बिहार समाज कल्याण समिति भारती

ऊपर दिए गए विभागों की Sarkari Result Bihar Latest Jobs आप हमारे वेबसाइट पर सरकारी आवेदन प्रतिदिन सबसे पहले अपडेट किया जाता है जॉब्स के रिगार्डिंग फॉर्म अप्लाई कर सकते हैं1

Bihar District Wise Sarkari Jobs

Bihar District Wise Jobs 2025 की जानकारी जॉब्स Portel पर लगातार अपडेट की जाती है बिहार राज्य के बेरोजगार युवा और महिलाएं प्रतिदिन Sarkari Job Alert अपडेट प्राप्त कर सकते हैं Bihar Job Help Education Portal के माध्यम से उम्मीदवार को सही और सटीक जानकारी प्रदान किए जाते हैं ताकि उम्मीदवार अपने करियर के साथ भरोसा कर सके बिहार राज्य जिला वाइज सरकारी जॉब 2025 की खोज कर रहे अभ्यर्थियों के लिए स्टेट गवर्नमेंट जॉब नीचे हमने दी रखे हैं

  • अररिया
    -पश्चिम चंपारण
    -पूर्वी चंपारण

Bihar Employment News

Bihar Employment News बिहार राज्य सरकार बिहार राज्य के होनहार अभ्यर्थियों के लिए सप्ताहिक रोजगार समाचार एवं मासिक रोजगार चार पत्र का करते रहती है विभाग द्वारा आधिकारिक तौर पर जारी होने की पश्चात हमारे वेबसाइट पर Employment News Paper कीप इट अप निशुल्क डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं Bihar Rojgar Samachar किस साथ ही साथ Sarkari Resul 10+2 Latest Jobs कीप पीडीएफ ऑनलाइन डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं

How to Find Bihar Sarkari Job

बिहार सरकार जॉब्स कैसे खोजे अगर आपके मन में यह सवाल उठ रहा है तो बिहार सरकारी नौकरी कैसे खोजे तो आपको घबराने नहीं है क्योंकि आज आपके लिए आसान तरीका लेकर आए हैं जिसके माध्यम से आप प्रतिदिन गवर्नमेंट जॉब्स की आई हुई हर एक नोटिफिकेशन को आसानी पूर्वक से देखकर और उसे पढ़कर अप्लाई कर सकते हैं

  • -सबसे पहले गूगल में आपको ” सर्च करना होगा
    -होम पेज पर Viset करना होगा
    -उसके बाद आपके सामने जॉब्स के पोर्टल खुले हुए होंगे
    – Latest Jobs , Admssion , Result , Sarkari Yojana, और अनेक तरह के आपको Categroy मिल जाएंगे ]
    -आप अपने अनुसार जिन टॉपिक के बारे में आप खोजना चाहते हैं सिंपली ऊपर सर्च कर सकते हैं

Upcoming Bihar Govt Jobs

बिहार राज्य के आगामी सरकारी नौकरी एवं सरकारी परीक्षाओं की सूची New Vacancy in Bihar Government क्षेत्र पर लिस्ट किया गया है जिसका अवलोकन कल सरकारी भर्ती परीक्षाओं की तैयारी कर Bihar Job Online form कर सकते हैं

Sarkari Result 2025

Sarkari Result, the popular online platform dedicated to providing information on government job opportunities and exam results, continues to play a vital role in empowering job seekers in 2025. As the demand for secure and stable employment remains high, this article explores the significance of Sarkari Result in assisting aspirants and highlights the latest developments in government job recruitment. In a world characterized by economic uncertainties, government jobs continue to be highly sought after by millions of individuals. The stability, security, and attractive perks associated with such positions have made them an attractive career choice. In 2025, as the job market remains competitive, the demand for government jobs has only increased.

Why Should I Consider a Government Job?

Job Security and Stability: Government jobs are known for their stability and long-term security. Unlike many private sector positions that may be subject to economic fluctuations or company downsizing, government jobs provide a sense of stability, often with tenure and job protection. This security allows employees to plan for their future with confidence. Attractive Benefits and Perks: Government jobs often come with a comprehensive benefits package. These benefits can include healthcare coverage, retirement plans, paid leave, housing allowances, and other perks. Additionally, government jobs often offer regular salary increments and promotions based on performance and experience, providing financial security and growth opportunities. Work-Life Balance: Many government jobs prioritize work-life balance and offer fixed working hours, flexible schedules, and generous vacation and leave policies. This allows employees to maintain a healthy work-life integration, spend time with family and pursue personal interests outside of work.

What Kind of Government Jobs Can I Get?

Civil Services: The Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Foreign Service (IFS) are prestigious civil service positions that involve administrative, law enforcement, and diplomatic roles respectively. These positions are filled through competitive examinations conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Banking and Finance: Government banks such as the State Bank of India (SBI) and Reserve Bank of India (RBI) offer positions for Probationary Officers (PO), Clerks, and Specialist Officers (SO). These jobs provide opportunities in areas like banking, finance, accounting, and economics.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the salary for 12th pass government jobs in Bihar?

The average salary ranges from ₹12,000 to ₹20,000 per month depending on the department and role.

Q2: Where can I find block-level vacancies in Bihar?

Candidates can check updates on the official website of or stay connected with Bihar government portals.

Q3: Are there specific jobs for females in Bihar?

Yes, positions like teaching, Anganwadi, nursing, and clerical roles are highly suitable for female candidates.