Class 10 Reduced Syllabus 2025: What You Need to Know for Easier Exam Preparation


Class 10 Reduced Syllabus 2025:- The educational landscape has undergone significant changes over the past few years, particularly due to unforeseen global events like the pandemic. One of the most noticeable shifts is the reduction in syllabus for students, especially in Class 10.

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The Class 10 syllabus has been streamlined by various educational boards to ease the pressure on students. But what exactly does this mean? How has it affected learning, and what should students and educators know about the reduced syllabus?

In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the syllabus reduction, its impact on students, and how best students can navigate this new academic terrain.

What Does a “Reduced Syllabus” Mean?

When we talk about a “reduced syllabus” for Class 10, we are referring to a conscious decision made by educational boards like CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education), ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education), and state boards to lessen the number of topics covered in a particular academic year. This reduction typically involves removing certain chapters or sections from subjects like Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and Languages.

Class 10 Reduced Syllabus 2025

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Why Was the Syllabus Reduced?

The primary reasons behind reducing the syllabus for Class 10 students are:

  1. Pandemic Disruption: The COVID-19 pandemic caused massive disruptions in traditional classroom learning. With schools shutting down and online education taking precedence, many students faced challenges in understanding and grasping complex concepts within limited timeframes. In response, boards decided to trim down syllabi to focus on core topics that were essential for academic progression.
  2. Stress and Mental Health: The pressure of the board exams, coupled with an already demanding curriculum, led to rising concerns about students’ mental health. The reduction in syllabus aimed to alleviate some of this stress and provide students with a more manageable workload.
  3. Educational Flexibility: Boards acknowledged that a reduced syllabus provides flexibility in teaching and learning. It allows educators to spend more time on understanding key concepts rather than rushing through numerous topics.

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What Does the Reduced Syllabus Include?

While the specific reductions vary by board, some common themes emerge across subjects:

  1. Mathematics:
    • Several chapters have been removed or condensed. For example, complex chapters like Probability, Trigonometric Identities, and some geometric theorems may no longer appear in the syllabus.
    • This streamlining allows students to focus on fundamental concepts like Algebra, Linear Equations, and Geometry, which are critical for further studies.
UnitChapterTopics Removed
Unit 1 – Number SystemsReal NumbersEuclid’s Division Lemma
Unit 2 – AlgebraPolynomialsStatement and simple problems on division algorithm for polynomials with real coefficients
Pair of Linear EquationsCross multiplication method
Quadratic EquationsSituational problems based on equations reducible to a quadratic equation
Arithmetic ProgressionsApplication in solving daily life problems based on sum to n terms
Unit 3 – Coordinate GeometryCoordinate GeometryArea of a triangle
Unit 4 – GeometryTrianglesProofs of theorems:
– The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares of their corresponding sides.
– In a triangle, if the square on one side is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides, the angle opposite to the first side is a right angle.
CirclesNo deletion
ConstructionsConstruction of a triangle similar to a given triangle.
Unit 5 – TrigonometryIntroduction to TrigonometryMotivate the ratios defined at 0° and 90°
Trigonometric IdentitiesTrigonometric ratios of complementary angles
Heights and DistancesNo deletion
Unit 6 – MensurationAreas Related to CirclesProblems with the central angle of 120°
Surface Areas and VolumeFrustum of a cone
Unit 7 – Statistics and ProbabilityStatisticsStep Deviation Method for finding the mean, Cumulative Frequency Graph
ProbabilityNo deletion

This table summarizes all the deleted topics for Class 10 Mathematics as per the revised syllabus.

  1. Science:
    • The reduction is most noticeable in subjects like Biology and Physics. Some in-depth topics like Human Eye and Colourful World or Magnetic Effects of Electric Current have been reduced or eliminated.
    • This leaves students with more time to understand basic concepts, such as Chemical Reactions and Acids, Bases, and Salts.
UnitChapterTopics Removed
Unit I: Chemical Substances – Nature and BehaviorMetals and Non-metalsBasic Metallurgical processes; Corrosion and its prevention
Carbon and its CompoundsNomenclature of carbon compounds containing functional groups (halogens, alcohol, ketones, aldehydes, alkanes, alkynes)
The difference between saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons
Chemical properties of carbon compounds (combustion, oxidation, addition, and substitution reaction)
Ethanol and Ethanoic acid (only properties and uses), soaps, and detergents
Unit II: World of LivingControl and coordination in animals and plantsTropic movements in plants; Introduction of plant hormones; Control and coordination in animals: Nervous system; Voluntary, involuntary, and reflex action; Chemical co-ordination: animal hormones
Heredity and EvolutionThe Basic Concepts of Evolution
Unit III: Natural PhenomenaThe Human Eye and the Colorful WorldFunctioning of a lens in the human eye, defects of vision and their corrections, applications of spherical mirrors and lenses
Unit IV: Effects of CurrentMagnetic Effects of Electric CurrentElectric Generator, Direct current, Alternating current: frequency of AC, Advantage of AC over DC, Domestic electric circuits
Unit V: Natural ResourcesSources of energyDifferent forms of energy, conventional and non-conventional sources of energy (Fossil fuels, solar energy, biogas, wind, water, tidal energy, Nuclear energy)
Renewable versus non-renewable sources of Energy

This table provides a clear overview of the deleted topics in the Class 10 Science syllabus across various units.

  1. Social Science:
    • Chapters related to topics like Regional Disparities and History of the World have been pruned. While still maintaining the emphasis on India’s freedom struggle and key historical events, the syllabus is now more focused on essential topics.
S. No.Chapter No. and Chapter Name (NCERT Textbook)Recommended Portion for Deletion
Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World – II (History)Section 2: Livelihoods, Economies, and SocietiesChapter 3: The Making of a Global World, or Chapter 4: The Age of Industrialisation (One chapter to be assessed in Periodic Tests, not in Board Examination)
Section 3: Everyday Life, Culture, and PoliticsChapter 5: Print Culture and the Modern World (Complete Chapter)
Unit 2: Contemporary India – II (Geography)Chapter 2: Forest and WildlifeComplete Chapter
Chapter 3: Water ResourcesComplete Chapter except for Map Items (Map items will be assessed in the Examination)
Chapter 5: Mineral and Energy ResourcesComplete Chapter except for Map Items (Map items will be assessed in the Examination)
Unit 3: Democratic Politics – II (Political Science)Chapter 3: Democracy and DiversityComplete Chapter
Chapter 4: Gender, Religion, and CasteComplete Chapter
Chapter 5: Popular Struggles and MovementsComplete Chapter
Chapter 8: Challenges to DemocracyComplete Chapter

This table summarizes all the chapters and portions of Class 10 Social Science that have been deleted from the syllabus for the board examination.

  1. Languages:
    • For languages like English, Literature and Writing Skills often remain the same. However, the syllabus might have fewer chapters from prescribed textbooks, focusing more on critical comprehension and writing techniques.

How Does the Reduced Syllabus Impact Students?

While the reduced syllabus offers relief from an overload of information, it does come with its own set of implications for students.

1. Better Focus on Core Concepts:

Students now have more time to focus on understanding the core concepts that form the foundation for further studies. For example, in Mathematics, students can deeply focus on mastering Algebra and Geometry without worrying about topics that are usually more advanced or peripheral in nature.

2. Lesser Pressure and Anxiety:

With fewer chapters to cover, students feel less pressure. They can engage in active learning without being bogged down by vast amounts of information, reducing anxiety around exams.

3. Less Scope for Practical Application:

A potential downside of the reduced syllabus is that students may miss out on applying the theory in real-life scenarios. For instance, practical applications in Physics or in-depth case studies in Social Science could take a backseat due to the reduction in content.

4. Impact on Competitive Exams:

For students aiming to take competitive exams like JEE, NEET, or others after Class 10, the reduced syllabus may leave them less prepared for subjects that require more advanced knowledge. However, this can be mitigated by additional preparation in the form of coaching or self-study.

How Should Students Approach This?

Given the changes in the syllabus, students must adjust their study strategies accordingly to make the most of their new academic scenario.

1. Study Smart, Not Hard:

Students should focus on mastering the topics included in the syllabus rather than trying to cover everything. Active learning techniques such as problem-solving, writing summaries, and practicing past-year papers will help retain core concepts more effectively.

2. Prioritize Core Subjects:

Mathematics and Science are crucial in the Class 10 syllabus, so students should ensure they build a strong understanding of these subjects.

3. Take Advantage of Reduced Stress:

Since the syllabus is less dense, students should utilize the extra time to work on their weaker areas. If they are struggling with a particular topic, now is the time to clarify doubts and practice more.

4. Stay Consistent:

Although the syllabus is reduced, students should maintain a steady and consistent study schedule. Procrastination can lead to unnecessary stress, especially when exams approach.

Case Studies and Insights from Experts

According to a survey conducted by the CBSE in 2020, more than 60% of students reported feeling less stressed due to the reduced syllabus. Education experts have pointed out that the syllabus reduction was a much-needed step in addressing the “one-size-fits-all” approach to education. Students’ learning capabilities vary, and with a reduced syllabus, educators can focus on better-quality teaching rather than rushing through content.

Dr. Ramesh Kumar, a senior educator and academic consultant, believes that reducing the syllabus isn’t just a short-term solution but a long-term trend that can lead to a more robust education system. “We need to focus on quality, not quantity. Reducing the syllabus enables students to gain a deeper understanding of subjects, which will be beneficial in higher studies and competitive exams.”

Here’s a structure for the CBSE Class 10 Deleted Syllabus PDFs:

CBSE Class 10 Deleted Syllabus PDFs

Students preparing for the Class 10 board examination should review the deleted syllabus for each subject. Below is a table with the subject-wise links to download the CBSE Class 10 Deleted Syllabus PDFs:

CBSE Class 10 Deleted Syllabus for English Language & LiteratureDownload PDF
CBSE Class 10 Deleted Syllabus English CommunicativeDownload PDF
CBSE Class 10 Deleted Syllabus Hindi ADownload PDF
CBSE Class 10 Deleted Syllabus Hindi BDownload PDF
CBSE Class 10 Deleted Syllabus BengaliDownload PDF
CBSE Class 10 Deleted Syllabus MathematicsDownload PDF
CBSE Class 10 Deleted Syllabus ScienceDownload PDF
CBSE Class 10 Deleted Syllabus Social ScienceDownload PDF
CBSE Class 10 Deleted Syllabus Social Science (Hindi)Download PDF

Conclusion: A Step Towards Better Education

The reduced syllabus of Class 10 marks an important turning point in the way education is approached in India. It is a thoughtful attempt to alleviate the pressure on students while still ensuring they grasp essential concepts. While it brings many benefits, it also calls for a shift in how students prepare for exams. By embracing this change, students can focus on mastering core concepts, ensuring they not only perform well academically but also build a strong foundation for their future academic journey.

Ultimately, the reduced syllabus is not just about less content—it’s about fostering better learning. With the right approach and mindset, Class 10 students can make the most out of this revised academic scenario and pave the way for a successful future.

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